From Foothill To Flats
Whyte Farm, Canterbury, South Island

The farm cycle continues in Autumn when fawns born in November/December are weaned from their mothers and often transferred to the flat country.
Here farmer Glenn Whyte receives a load of deer from the Whyte home farm.

Because the deer are precious, Glenn checks them carefully, tags them for identification and then records their live-weight.
He checks each young deer carefully before releasing out to farm.
And, now we're off to the pasture!

He then herds them to fresh pasture reserved especially for the recently weaned deer. Glenn’s aim is to get the new arrivals settled and putting on weight as soon as possible.

They need to be in good condition prior to the arrival of cooler winter weather.
Enjoy your new home, Weaner Deer!
If you'd like more information about Whyte Farm, you can find it here:
Great information - more farm posts please!
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