At our recent Community Catch-up, we heard from speakers across our value chain and got to chat and enjoy hospitality from Asado.
It was wonderful to meet up together. Here is a recap of the speakers, along with a video and photos of the day:
Welcome & overview - John Sadler
North America Update - Angus Cleland, Terra Pacific Marketing
Farmer USA sales tour - Donald Whyte, Adam and Sharon Waite
Scandinavia Update - Gustaf Kugelberg
China Update - Hunter McGregor
Oriental co-products - Hugh Signal, Alpine Deer
Plant Update - Kerry Whiting
NZ Market Update - James Petrie - Merchant Of Venison
Q&A & wrap-up

Thanks for your support – nearly 25,000 deer on contract and an excellent supply season! We're working well together to market NZ-farmed venison.
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See the video and photos: