Adam Waite, Farm Manager at Northbank Station, is in the process of implementing a new pivot irrigation system.
It has certainly been an investment in both time and energy getting it in place but, with the new and improved development of the new irrigation, there’s already been improvement in the weight gains of deer and improved certainty of kill targets. Results are already starting to be seen from the investment - and only half the farm has been completed so far. The process to completion will take another two years.
One of the main reasons (and big benefits) of switching to the new irrigation system is the more efficient water use. Adam says “I use around 80% less water, to produce the same amount of grass through our pivots. It’s a much better result.”
Which of course brings us to the question Adam has been asked a lot about his new irrigation system - “how do you make pivots work with deer fencing?” He says that it’s not cheap, but still very achievable.
“We care more about the environment than anyone, because we have to make it work to still make a living.”
We’re looking forward to seeing the results of the new irrigation system and will certainly be catching up with Northbank Station in two years time to see the completed work.