Chef Owner Jean Michel has had venison rack on his menu and says Mountain River is the best!
Photo - Left Bank, Vail, Colorado
Menu entry
♡ Cotellette de Cerf aux Champignons $54
Pan-seared elk chops, served with sautéed wild mushrooms and a cherry sauce (GF)
Steve is the owner of Prairie Harvest a specialty food sales and distribution company based in Spearfish, South Dakota. His main customer base is in the Rocky Mountain areas from Colorado to Wyoming. That includes tourist regions like Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Aspen and Vail ski areas.
His message to our Field Day was that as a front line sales person he wants to know more about where the product comes from, what the deer eat and how they are farmed. Steve's customers want to know more about where the product comes from and what farmers do to make it such a good product.
All aspects of provenance are key in the sales message and Steve Hauff believes the future for venison in the US market is bright.
Web site https://www.prairieharvest.com/